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(링철가능) 제3판 피데스 조셉신 the 영어교육론 심화편 - 중등임용 전공영어 적립금

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(링철가능) 제3판 피데스 조셉신 the 영어교육론 심화편 - 중등임용 전공영어 기본 정보
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저자/출판사 조셉신/피데스
발행/판형/쪽수 2020.4.27/190*260/248



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[서 문]

2014년부터 서답형 형태의 평가로 시행되고 있는 중등임용고사는 동일한 서답형 형태였지만 매년 조금씩 진화하였습니다. 시험을 준비하는 예비교사 입장에서는 아무리 잘 준비하여도 그 해 출제진이 누구이냐에 따라 자신이 준비한 시험과 전혀 다른 시험을 접하는 느낌을 받게 되기도 하는 것이 현실입니다. 교사의 꿈을 꾸고 열심히 노력하였지만 출제자의 취지 파악이 시험 상황에서 잘 되지 않는다면 꿈이 현실로 이루어지기 힘든 상황입니다. 이에 교사가 되기 위한 노력이 시험에서 필요한 개개인의 경쟁력으로 만들어질 수 있게끔 돕기 위한 취지에서 「The 영어교육론 심화서」를 집필하게 되었습니다.
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본 교재로 학습을 할 때는 벽돌쌓기 식으로 line by line 공부하기 보다는 대제목 그리고 소제목 중심으로 큰 개념을 먼저 이해하길 권해 드립니다. 목차가 가장 중요합니다. 책의 목차를 펴고 전체를 보면서 영어교육론의 전체 범위와 개념의 틀을 먼저 이해하려고 노력하시길 권해 드립니다. 그것이 시간도 적게 드는 방법이며 무엇보다 시험 상황에서 주소찾기에 실패하여 엉뚱한 답을 쓰게 되는 과오를 피하는 방법입니다. 내가 보기에 그럴싸해 보이는 답들은 영어교육론에서는 참 많습니다. 하지만 정말 필요한 답은 출제자의 취지에 맞는 답안입니다. 구슬도 꿰어야 서말이라고 했듯이 개념 하나하나를 아냐 모르냐의 문제를 뛰어 넘어 각 상황에서 요구되는 개념이 무엇인지를 정확하게 파악하는 것이 무엇보다 중요합니다. 따라서 첫 페이지를 펴기 전에 먼저 전체 목차와 분류체계를 하면서 세부 개념들의 학습을 하실 것을 권해 드립니다.
교사의 꿈을 이루기 위해 본 교재로 공부하는 모든 분들이 꼭 교사의 꿈을 이룰 수 있기를 기원하며 교재를 집필하였습니다. 교사의 꿈 반드시 이루어집니다. 할 수 있습니다.

2020년 어느 봄날에
조셉 신


Chapter 01 Language Acquisition Theories
Ⅰ. Behavioural Approaches 16
1. Basic Theories 16
2. Behavioural approaches-applied Methodology:audiolingual Method 16
3. Teaching Rationales in Audiolinguialism 16
4. Contrastive Analysis 17
Ⅱ. Nativist approaches 17
1. Basic Theories 17
2. Poverty-of-the-stimulus 18
3. Learning Conditions 18
4. Teaching Implications 19
5. Error Analysis 20
6. Development stage of Interlanguage 21
7. Markedness Differential Hypothesis 21
Ⅲ. Functional approaches 22
1. Functions 22
2. Communicative competence 23
3. Language competence (Bachman) 23
4. Language Functions 24
5. Speech Acts (John Austin, 1962) 24
6. Constructivism Psychology 30
7. Sociocultural theory (Vygotsky) 30
Ⅳ. Discourse Analysis 33
1. Coherence 33
2. Cohesion 34
3. Pragmatics 41
4. Genre analysis 42
5. Register 44
Ⅴ. Conversation Analysis 45
1. Turn Taking 45
2. Adjacency pairs 46
3. Working on appropriacy 47
4. Preference organization 47
Chapter 02 Second Language Acquisition Models
Ⅰ. Input Hypothesis 50
1. Role of Input 50
2. Monitor Model; Input hypothesis 50
3. Comprehension-based approaches 51
4. Incidental vs. Intentional learning 51
Ⅱ. Cognitive Accounts of SLA 52
1. The Role of Consciousness 52
2. Comprehensible Output Hypothesis 53
3. Schmidt’s Noticing hypothesis 55
4. McLaughlin’s Information-processing model 56
5. Bialystok’s Implicit-explicit model 57
6. R. Ellis’ Weak Interface Model 57
7. Cognitive approaches to address the difficulty in L2 learning 59
8. 인지주의 기반 교수법 (Shallow-end CLT:PPP models) 59
Ⅲ. Interaction Hypothesis 60
1. General Concepts 60
2. The Early Version of the IH 60
3. The later version of the IH 62
4. Negotiation of meaning 63
Chapter 03 Approaches and Methodologies
Ⅰ. Traditional approaches 68
1. Grammar-translation method (Written/deductive approach) 68
2. The Direct method (Oral/inductive approach) 68
3. The Reading Approach (Written/deductive approach) 69
4. The Audiolingual method (Oral/inductive approach) 69
Ⅱ. Innovative Approaches (=The Designer Methods) 73
1. Affective-humanistic approaches 73
2. Comprehension-based approaches 75
Chapter 04 Curriculum Planning
Ⅰ. Processes of Curriculum Planning 94
1. Articulating guiding principles 94
2. Analyzing contextual factors 94
3. Assessing learner needs 94
4. Determining program goals 95
5. Deciding and organizing program content 95
6. Designing an assessment plan 95
Ⅱ. Syllabus Design 96
1. Processes of designing a syllabus 96
Ⅲ. Syllabus types 98
1. Grammatical (structural) syllabuses 98
2. Notional-functional syllabus 98
3. Task-based syllabus 98
4. Content-based syllabus 99
5. Skills-based approaches 99
6. Lexical syllabus 99
7. Genre or text-based syllabus 100
8. Project-based language learning 100
Chapter 05 Learner Variables
Ⅰ. Cognitive style 102
1. Field dependence (Field sensitivity) vs. Field independence 102
2. Left- vs. Right-brain dominance 102
3. Tolerance of ambiguity (Ambiguity tolerance) 102
4. Reflective vs. Impulsive 103
Ⅱ. Personality Factors 104
1. Self-esteem 104
2. Inhibition 104
3. Risk-taking 104
4. Willingness to communicate 105
5. Anxiety 105
6. Empathy 105
7. Extroversion vs. Introversion 106
8. Motivation and Orientation 106
Ⅲ. Sociocultural factors  107
1. 제2문화 습득; 문화 변용 (Second culture acquisition; acculturation) 107
2. 사회적 거리 (Social distance; Schumann’s hypothesis) 107
3. The Whorfian Hypotheis (Linguistic determinism) 107
4. Teaching intercultural competence 108
5. Language policy and politics 108
Ⅳ. Strategies 110
1. Learning strategies 110
2. Communication strategies 111
3. Direct/indirect strategies (Rebecca L. Oxford) 112
4. Autonomy, awareness, and action 115
Chapter 06 Receptive Skills
Ⅰ. Comprehension processing 116
1. Bottom-up processing 116
2. Top-down processing 116
3. Schema theory 117
4. Students’ limitations in information processing 118
Ⅱ. Listening Skills 119
1. Process of Listening 119
2. Listening skills and strategies 120
3. Listening strategies (Lynch 2004) 120
4. Cognitive processes of listening 122
5. Understanding the processing of listening/reading(→ Awareness on strategies during the learning process) 124
6. Metacognitive pedagogical sequence for listening 124
7. Comprehension monitoring in reading 126
8. Listening Activities 128
9. Important Pedagogical Considerations in Teaching Listening and Reading 130
10. A typology of listening tasks 131
11. Psychosocial functions of listening 133
12. Comprehension question types 133
Ⅲ. Reading Strategies 134
1. Types of reading strategies 134
2. Reading Strategies:Skimming and Scanning 135
3. Promoting both intensive and extensive listening/reading 136
4. Opportunities for Personalization 137
5. Making listening/reading a task-based activity 137
6. The use of authentic materials 139
Chapter 07 Productive Skills
Ⅰ. Teaching Speaking  142
1. The characteristics of spoken language 142
2. Classroom Performances 143
3. Approaches to teaching speaking 143
4. The degree of Teacher’s control on students’ language use 144
5. Communicative tasks 148
6. Treatments of Learners’ Errors 151
7. Opportunity for self-repair 154
8. Principles in giving feedback (‘When’ and ‘How’ to provide feedback) 155
9. The factors that affect learners’ speaking (Speech conditions) 157
10. How to motivate students to speak up 158
Ⅱ. Teaching Pronunciation 159
1. Teaching Procedures: 159
2. Practicing segmental features vs. suprasegmental features 160
Ⅲ. Teaching Writing 162
1. Approaches to teaching writing 162
2. Teaching procedure based on a process-oriented approach 163
3. Techniques for Writing 166
4. Principles in giving feedback for students’ work 168
Ⅳ. Guided Writing 169
1. Story tasks 169
2. Story reconstruction 170
3. Dictogloss 171
Chapter 08 Technology in Language Teaching and Learning
Ⅰ. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) 174
Ⅱ. Forms of computer-mediated communication 174
1. Text chat 174
2. MOOs 175
3. Email 175
4. Forums and bulletin boards 175
5. Video-conferencing 175
6. Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) 176
Ⅲ. Creating and Using Your Own Resources 176
1. Blogs 176
2. Wikis 176
3. Websites 177
Chapter 09 Teaching Vocabulary
Ⅰ. Word Knowledge 180
1. What does it mean to know a word? 180
2. How is our work knowledge organized? 180
3. How is vocabulary learned? 181
4. How are words remembered? 181
Ⅱ. A historical look at vocabulary instruction 183
Ⅲ. Intentional learning vs. Incidental learning 184
1. Intentional learning 184
2. Incidental learning 184
Ⅳ. Selecting the words to be taught 184
1. Word frequency 184
2. Salience in course content 185
3. Corpus use 186
Ⅴ. Classroom Activities for Vocabulary Teaching 186
1. Word-learning activities 186
2. Sentence-level activities 188
3. Discourse-level activities 188
Chapter 10 Form-focused Instruction (FFI)
1. Theoretical Approaches in Teaching Form 190
2. Two Approaches to Teaching Grammar (FFI taxonomies and definitions) 192
3. 문법의 구인과 문법지도 상황의 적용 194
4. Three components from the cognitive model of second language acquisition 195
5. Tasks informed by a focus-on-form approach 197
6. 인지적 학습원리 적용 202
7. Types of negative feedback 203
8. Two Types of uptake following negative feedback 205
Chapter 11 Language Assessment
Ⅰ. Test Conditions (What makes a good test?) 208
1. Reliability 208
2. Validity 213
3. Authenticity 219
4. Washback 220
5. Practicality 220
Ⅱ. Types of Testing 221
1. Norm-referenced vs. Criterion-referenced 221
2. Direct test tasks vs. Indirect test tasks 221
3. Discrete-point, Integrative and communicative tests 221
4. Formative vs. summative tests 223
5. Testing Items by Purposes 224
6. Selected-response tasks vs. constructed-response tasks(Test tasks formats) 225
7. Commonly Used Task Formats 226
Ⅲ. Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) 227
1. Item writing and moderation 227
2. Item moderation and writing Items 228
Ⅳ. Pre-testing:Item Analysis 236
1. Item Facility 237
2. Item discrimination 237
3. Distractor efficiency 237
4. Item analysis of test data 241
Ⅴ. Scoring Methods 245
1. Holistic scoring scales 245
2. Analytic scoring scales 246


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