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(링철가능) 배움 전공영어 최진호 영어학 INTERMEDIATE (2022학년도) 임용고시 적립금

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(링철가능) 배움 전공영어 최진호 영어학 INTERMEDIATE (2022학년도) 임용고시 기본 정보
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Chapter 01. Phonology

01 Consonants
1. The Vocal Tract
2. Place of Articulation
⑴ Bilabial
⑵ Labiodental
⑶ Interdental
⑷ Alveolar
⑸ Palatal
⑹ Velar
⑺ Glottal
3. Manner of Articulation
⑴ Stops
⑵ Fricatives
⑶ Affricates
⑷ Nasals
⑸ Liquids
⑹ Glides (= Semi-vowels)

02 Vowels
1. Vowels
⑴ Tongue Height
⑵ Tongue Advancement
⑶ Tenseness
⑷ Lip Rounding
2. Diphthongs

03 Distinctive Features
1. Distinctive Features (1)
⑴ Syllabic (syl)
⑵ Sonorant (son)
⑶ Consonantal (cons)
⑷ Continuant (cont)
⑸ Strident
⑹ Delayed Release
⑺ Nasal (nas)
⑻ Lateral (lat)
⑼ Anterior (ant)
⑽ Coronal (cor)
⑾ Dorsal
⑿ [± voice]
⒀ [± labial]
⒁ [± sibilant]
⒂ [± tense]

2. Distinctive Features (2)
⑴ Distinctive Features: Major classes [Sonorant], [Continuant] and [Consonantal]

04 Phonemes vs. Allophones
1. Finding phonemes and allophones [Distribution of Sounds]
⑴ Minimal pairs and contrastive distribution
⑵ Complementary Distribution
⑶ Free variation
2. Diacritical Marks

05 Consonant Allophones
1. Aspiration
2. Glottal Stop Replacement [Glottalization]
3. Velar Nasal /ŋ/
4. Clear l and Dark l
⑴ Velarized /l/ = dark [?]
5. Syllabic Consonants
⑴ Syllabic Nasals
⑵ Syllabic Liquids

06 Syllables
1. The Syllable Structure
2. Sonority Sequencing Principle (SSP)
3. Syllabification
4. Phonotactics
⑴ Onset constraints
5. Accidental and systematic gaps

07 Stress
1. Word Stress
2. Suffixes & Stress
⑴ Stress-bearing (attracting) suffixes
⑵ Stress-neutral suffixes
⑶ Stress-shifting (fixing) suffixes
3. Sentence Stress [Tonic Accent]
⑴ Content vs. Function Words
⑵ Placement of main stress in sentences
⑶ Contrastive stress
4. Emphatic Stress
5. Stress Shift
6. Foot
7. Full Forms and Reduced Forms

08 Intonation
1. What is intonation?
2. Final intonation
⑴ Rising-falling intonation
⑵ Rising intonation
3. Non-final intonation
⑴ Rising-falling intonation
⑵ Continuation rise
4. Tag questions

09 Phonological Processes
1. Assimilation
⑴ Progressive assimilation
⑵ Regressive assimilation
⑶ Coalescent assimilation
⑷ Total assimilation [Gemination]
2. Dissimilation
⑴ fricative dissimilation
⑵ -al suffix
3. Deletion
⑴ Consonant Cluster Reduction (CCR)
⑵ /t/-deletion in /nt/ sequence
⑶ /g/-deletion
⑷ /b/-deletion
⑸ Schwa Deletion
4. Insertion [Epenthesis]
5. Metathesis
6. Haplology
7. Neutralization
⑴ Vowel Reduction [Schwa Rule]
⑵ Flapping
⑶ Glottalization

10 Phonological Rules
1. Format & Notation
⑴ Parenthesis Notation
⑵ Brace Notation
⑶ Alpha Notation
2. Dentalization
3. Labiodentalization
4. Devoicing
5. Velarization
6. Vowel Lengthening
7. Vowel Nasalization

Chapter 02. Morphology

01 Basic Concepts & Derivation
1. Free and bound morphemes
⑴ derivational morphemes vs. inflectional morphemes
2. Content Words and Function Words
3. Roots and Stems
4. Allomorphs
⑴ Plural Morpheme {-Z}
⑵ Past Tense {-D}
5. The Hierarchical Structure of Derived Words

02 Constraints on Derivation
1. Accidental Gaps vs. Systematic Gaps
2. -en suffix
3. -al suffix
4. Class 1 vs. Class 2 Suffixes
5. un- prefix (semantic constraint)

03 Word-Formation Processes
1. Compounds
⑴ Ambiguity
⑵ Exocentric and Endocentric Compounds
⑶ Stress in Compounds vs. Phrases
2. Blends
3. Clipping
4. Acronyms
5. Initialisms [(Alphabetic) abbreviations]
6. Conversion
7. Back Formation
8. Coinage
9. Word from Names (Eponyms)

Chapter 03. Syntax

01 Predicates, Arguments and Thematic Roles
1. Predicates and arguments
2. Thematic Roles [θ-roles, Thematic Relations, Semantic Roles]
⑴ Nonreferential it and there
3. Selectional Restrictions

02 X-Bar Theory
1. Heads, Complements and Specifiers
2. Adjuncts
⑴ Adjuncts can be optional.
⑵ Adjuncts can be stacked.
⑶ Complements, not adjuncts, are closer to the Head
3. Subcategorization
4. Complements and Adjuncts
⑴ Complements and Adjuncts in NPs
⑵ Complements and Adjuncts in VPs
⑶ Clausal Complements vs. Clausal Adjuncts

03 Clauses
1. Raising and Control Constructions
2. Differences between Raising and Control Verbs
⑴ Subject Raising and Control
⑵ Object Raising and Control
3. Infinitival Complementation
⑴ Believe Verbs: Subject-to-Object Raising
⑵ Want Verbs
⑶ Persuade Verbs: Object Control
4. Complementizers that, for, whether, if
5. Complementizers whether vs. if

04 Ambiguity
1. Syntactic Ambiguity
2. Lexical Ambiguity
3. Lexico-Syntactic Ambiguity

05 Constituency Tests
1. Movement
⑴ Topicalization (= Preposing)
⑵ VP-Preposing
⑶ Though-Movement
⑴ Heavy-NP-Shift
⑵ Extraposition from NP
2. Substitution
⑴ Proform Substitution
⑵ One-Substitution
⑶ Do so-Substitution
3. Coordination
⑴ Ordinary Coordination
⑵ Right Node Raising
4. Cleft and Pseudocleft Sentences
5. (Adverb) Insertion
6. The Constituent Response Test

06 Syntactic Argumentation
1. Phrasal Verbs vs. Prepositional Verbs
⑴ Movement
⑵ Coordination
⑶ Shared Constituent Coordination Test
⑷ Sentence Fragment
⑸ (VP-Adverb) Insertion
⑹ Gapping [V-Deletion]
⑺ Clefting
⑻ Word Order
⑼ Stress Pattern
2. Binding Theory
⑴ Anaphors (Reflexives & Reciprocals)
⑵ Pronominals [(Personal) Pronouns]
3. Case Theory
⑴ Case Filter and Adjacency Requirement
⑶ Adjectives and Nouns

Chapter 04. Grammar

01 Determiners
1. Determiners
⑴ order restriction
⑵ co-occurrence restriction
2. Genitives
⑴ Meanings of Genitives
⑵ Double Genitive

02 Adjectives
1. Stative and Dynamic Adjectives
2. Relative Clauses
⑴ Punctuation
⑵ Modification of a proper nouns
⑶ Modification of any, every, no, etc.
⑷ That as relative pronoun
⑸ Stacking
⑹ Sentence modification
3. Verbal Participles vs. Adjectival Participles
4. Unmarked and Marked Adjectives
5. Attributive-Only Adjectives
⑴ Adjectives of Degree
⑵ Quantifying Adjectives
⑶ Adjectives of Time and Location
⑷ Associative Adjectives
6. Predicative-Only Adjectives
⑴ Adjectives Beginning with the Prefix A-
⑵ Adjective That Take Complements
⑶ Adjectives Referring to Medical Conditions or Health

03 Adverbials
1. Subjuncts
⑴ Viewpoint subjuncts
⑵ Courtesy subjuncts
⑶ Item subjuncts
2. Disjuncts
⑴ Style disjuncts
⑵ Content disjuncts

04 Pronouns
1. Reference

05 Verb Complementation
1. That-Complements
2. Infinitival Complements
⑴ Type 1 Complements: Persuade verbs
⑵ Type 2 Complements: Want verbs
⑶ Type 3 Complements: Believe verbs

06 Tense and Aspect
1. Present Perfect vs. Simple Past
⑴ Anteriority: definite or indefinite time
⑵ Time Adjuncts and the Present Perfect Aspect
⑶ Current Relevance
2. Will vs. Be going to
3. The present tense in adverbial clauses
⑴ will+R → the present tense
⑵ will have pp → have pp
4. Stative Progressives
⑴ Giving statements more emotional strength and intensity
⑵ Focusing on behavior as a change from the norm
⑶ Focusing on evolving change
⑷ Hedging or softening a definitive opinion
5. Lexical Aspects of Verbs ⑴
⑴ States
⑵ Activities
⑶ Accomplishments
⑷ Achievements
6. Lexical Aspects of Verbs ⑵
⑴ Aspectual Classes
⑵ Diagnostic Tests for Lexical Aspects

07 Passive Voice
1. Semantic Constraints on Using the Passive
2. Get Passives
3. Past Participles: Adjectives or Passive?
4. Ergative Verbs [Unaccusative Verbs]
5. Middle Verbs

08 Negation
1. Clausal Negation
⑴ Subject-Auxiliary Inversion
2. Local Negation
3. Syntactic features of clausal negation
4. Nonassertive items [NPIs]
5. Transferred Negation
6. Scope of Negation

09 Pro-forms and Ellipsis
1. Pro-forms
⑴ One as pro-form
⑵ Do it, do that, do so
⑶ So and not as pro-forms for object that-clause
2. Elliptical noun phrases

10 Inversion
1. Subject-Auxiliary Inversion
⑴ So+S+V vs. So+V+S
⑵ Negative adverb +V+S
2. Subject-Verb Inversion

11 Coordination
1. Combinatory and Segregatory Coordination of NPs
2. Indicators of segregatory meaning

12 Multiword Verbs
1. The Distinction between Prepositional Verbs and Phrasal Verbs
2. Separable and Inseparable Phrasal Verbs
⑴ Separable phrasal verbs
⑵ Inseparable phrasal verbs
⑶ Permanently separated phrasal verbs

13 Dative Alternation
1. Subcategorization of English Verbs that Take Indirect Objects
2. Semantics Governing Postverbal Position for Indirect Objects
3. The Ambiguity of For Phrases
4. Conditions on Indirect Object Alternation
⑴ End-focus principle
⑵ End-weight principle
⑶ Verbs that Are Restricted to One Pattern

14 Constructions
1. Cleft and Pseudo-cleft Sentences
⑴ Structure
⑵ Clefting is a presupposition trigger
⑶ Ambiguity
2. Existential Sentences
⑴ Indefinite NPs: preference for the existential over the non-existential
⑵ Displaced definite NPs
3. Tough Movement
⑴ Object-to-Subject Raising (Tough Movement)
⑵ Subject-to-Subject Raising

Chapter 05. Semantics & Pragmatics

01 Referential Semantics
1. Reference vs. Referent
2. Anaphora vs. Cataphora

02 Lexical Relations
1. Synonymy
2. Antonymy
⑴ Complementary [Binary] antonyms
⑵ Gradable antonyms
⑶ Reverses
⑷ Converses [Relational opposites]
3. Hyponymy
4. Different Meanings: Homonymy
5. Related Meanings: Polysemy

03 Sentential Relations
1. Entailment
2. Presupposition
⑴ “Constancy Under Negation” Test
3. Presupposition Triggers
⑴ Wh-question
⑵ Factive predicates vs. Non-factive predicates
4. Factive Predicates vs. Non-factive Predicates
⑴ Factive Predicates
⑵ Non-factive Predicates
5. Implicative Verbs

04 Deixis [Deictic Expressions]
1. Deictic vs. Non-deictic expressions
⑴ Deixis vs. Anaphora

05 Cooperative Principle & Conversational Maxims
1. Maxim of Quantity
2. Maxim of Quality
3. Maxim of Relation
4. Maxim of Manner
5. Conversational Implicature
⑴ Scalar Implicature (SI)
6. Hedges

06 Speech Acts
1. Performative Sentences
2. Three Facets of Speech Acts
3. Searle’s Typology of Illocutionary Acts
⑴ Representatives
⑵ Directives
⑶ Commissives
⑷ Expressives
⑸ Declarations
4. Direct and Indirect Speech Acts


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