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(링철가능)(해커스어학) HACKERS SAT PREP : The Essential SAT Study Guide (2022제2판) 적립금

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(링철가능)(해커스어학) HACKERS SAT PREP : The Essential SAT Study Guide (2022제2판) 기본 정보
판매가 품절
소비자가 42,900원
  • 1,930 (1930.00%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 ( %) 카
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
저자/출판사 해커스어학연구소/해커스어학연구소
발행/판형/쪽수 2021.5.31/215*279/988



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도서의 특징

레이아웃이 반영된 '실전모의고사 8회분'을 통해 실전 감각을 키우고 SAT에 출제되는 모든 문제 유형에 대한 대비가 가능합니다.
2) 해커스 프렙 사이트(prep.Hackers.com)에서 추가로 제공되는 '모의고사 1회분'을 통해 더욱 완벽하게 실전에 대비할 수 있습니다.

4. 문제에 대한 확실한 이해를 돕는 상세한 해설 수록!
정답과 오답에 대한 상세한 해설을 통해 문제에 대해 확실히 이해할 수 있습니다.

[완벽한 SAT 실전 대비를 위한 추가 자료 - 해커스 프렙 prep.Hackers.com]
1) 본 교재 인강
2) 전 영역 문제와 해설이 수록된 무료 실전모의고사 1회분 (PDF)

Updated for the 2021 SAT revision, this book is a comprehensive guide that reflects the latest trends on the SAT and contains information and practice materials that are designed to provide you with all of the skills needed for success on the SAT. HACKERS SAT PREP is based on thorough research and years of instructional experience.

What this book offers:
Essential information and tips to prepare for the SAT
ㆍ An overview of the SAT, including information on the test format and score conversion table
ㆍ Useful tips for before test day, on test day, and during the test itself

Comprehensive reviews for every section of the SAT
ㆍ Effective strategies and example questions for all SAT question types
ㆍ Step-by-step strategies to improve your speed and comprehension for the Reading section
ㆍ Fully explained rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation with examples for the Writing and Language section
ㆍ Thorough reviews of core SAT math topics with examples for the Math section
ㆍ 1 practice test at the end of each section

Extensive practice material for thorough preparation
ㆍ 9 full-length practice tests (8 in the book + 1 online) with more than 1,300 questions
ㆍ Complete and detailed answer explanations

Access to the free online full-length practice test is available at HACKERS PREP website (prep.Hackers.com). HACKERS PREP also offers online SAT Prep classes.

With this book, you will be able to effectively prepare for the SAT. We hope you will embrace the challenge ahead and tackle the task of preparing for the SAT with enthusiasm and confidence. The latest version of the SAT is not a test that is especially mysterious or tricky. It contains material and questions that are related to what you have already encountered throughout the course of your education. So, there is no need to stress out, because your existing knowledge and skills will go a long way toward helping you work through the pages of this book and succeed on test day. Besides, we will be here to help you every step of the way.


PART Ⅰ Getting Started with the SAT
Chapter 1 Introducing the SAT
Chapter 2 Preparing for the SAT

PART Ⅱ Reading
Chapter 3 Introduction to the SAT Reading Test
Chapter 4 Mastering Basic Content
Chapter 5 Grasping the Big Picture
Chapter 6 Identifying Rhetorical Techniques
Chapter 7 Analyzing and Synthesizing Information

Reading Test and Answer Explanations

PART Ⅲ Writing and Language
Chapter 8 Introduction to the SAT Writing and Language Test
Chapter 9 Grammar
Chapter 10 Punctuation
Chapter 11 Standard Usage
Chapter 12 Information and Interpretation
Chapter 13 Logic and Sequence

Writing and Language Test and Answer Explanations

Chapter 14 Introduction to the SAT Math Test
Chapter 15 Fundamentals of Math
Chapter 16 Heart of Algebra
Chapter 17 Problem Solving and Data Analysis
Chapter 18 Passport to Advanced Math
Chapter 19 Additional Topics in Math

Math Test and Answer Explanations

PART Ⅴ SAT Practice Tests and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 1 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 2 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 3 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 4 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 5 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 6 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 7 and Answer Explanations
Practice Test 8 and Answer Explanations
Answer Sheets


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배송 정보

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