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(링철가능)(HEINLE)(Marianne Celce-Murcia) The Grammar Book (제3판양장) 적립금

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(링철가능)(HEINLE)(Marianne Celce-Murcia) The Grammar Book (제3판양장) 기본 정보
판매가 품절
소비자가 49,000원
  • 0 (0%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
  • 카드 결제시 적립금 ( %) 카
  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
저자/출판사 Marianne Celce-Murcia/HEINLE & HEINLE
발행/판형/쪽수 2017.4.1/213*262/911



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도서의 특징

The third edition of The Grammar Book introduces teachers and future teachers to English grammatical constructions. This highly acclaimed text, used both as a course book and as a grammar reference guide, is suitable for all teachers of English. What sets it appart from other grammar books is its unique pedagogical focus: It describes not only how each grammatical construction is formed, but also its meaning and its use. Grammar is a resource for making meaning in textually and socially appropriate ways.

Features of the third edition:
1) Update explanation of the form, meaning, and use of grammatical constructions, which draw on new research finding, expecially from cognitive linguistics (for meaning) and corpus linguistics (for use)
2) Contrastive information that alerts teachers to possible cross-linguistic influence and helps teachers to identify the learning challenges of their students
3) Increased accessibility of the grammatical descriptions to guide teachers to address their students' learning challenges
4) New applications in the form of teaching suggestions, exercises, and further readings


To the Instructor
About the Autors

1 Introduction
2 Grammatical Terminology
3 Lexicogrammar
4 Copular Verbs and Subject-Verb Agreement
5 Word Order and the Phrase Structure Rules for the Subject of a Sentence
6 More Phrase Structre Rules: The Predicate of a Sentence
7 The Tense-Aspect System
8 Modal Auxiliaries and Related Phrasal Forms
9 The Tense-Aspect-Modality System in Discourse
10 Negation
11 Yes/no Questions
12 Imperatives
13 Wh-Questions
14 Tag, Alternative, Exclamatory, and Rhetorical Questions
15 Articles
16 Refrence and Possession
17 Partitives, Collectives, and Quantifiers
18 The Passive Voice
19 Sentences with Indirect Objects
20 Adjectives
21 Prepositions
22 Phrasal Verbs
23 Nonreferential Subjects: Ambient It and Existential There
24 Conjunctioon
25 Adverbials
26 Logical Connectors
27 Conditionals
28 Introduction to Relative Cluases
29 More on Relative Clauses: Nonrestrictive and Relative Adverb Cluses
30 Focus and Emphasis
31 Complemantation
32 Other Aspects of Complementation
33 Reported Speech and Writing
34 Degree-Comparatives and Equatives
35 Degree-Complements and Superlatives
36 Conclusion

Suggested Answers to Chapter Exercises



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배송 정보

  • 배송 방법 : 택배
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    * 일부 테이프나 플레이디스크, 또는 신간이 나와있는 도서의 구판 등
       재고를 가지고 있지 않은경우는 입고되어 발송해드리는 경우가 있습니다.
       이때에는 배송일이 2~3일 소요될 수 있습니다.

    * 예약판매도서 안내
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교환 및 반품 정보

교환 및 반품이 가능한 경우

- 상품을 공급 받으신 날로부터 5일이내 단,  포장을 개봉하였거나 포장이 훼손되어 상품가치가 상실된 경우에는 교환/반품이 불가능합니다.

- 공급받으신 상품이 주문내용과 다른 경우

교환 및 반품이 불가능한 경우

- 고객님의 책임 있는 사유로 상품등이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우. 단, 상품의 내용을 확인하기 위하여
  포장 등을 훼손한 경우는 제외

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