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(링철가능) 6th G.E-Pearson- Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 적립금

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(링철가능) 6th G.E-Pearson- Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology 기본 정보
소비자가 65,000원
  • 0 (0%)
  • 무통장 결제시 적립금 ( %) 무
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  • 실시간 계좌 이체시 적립금 ( %) 실
  • 적립금 결제시 적립금 ( %) 적
  • 휴대폰 결제시 적립금 ( %) 휴
저자/출판사 Simon, Dickey, Reece/Pearson
발행/판형/쪽수 2019.8.26/218*278/752



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도서의 특징

 This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.

Develop and Practice Science Literacy Skills

Teach students to view their world using scientific reasoning with Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology. The authors’ approach equips your students to become better informed citizens, relate concepts from class to their everyday lives, and understand and apply real data, making biology relevant and meaningful to their world and futures.

The new edition incorporates instructor feedback on what key skills to highlight in new Process of Science essays and uses striking infographic figures in conveying real data to help students see and better understand how science actually works. New author-narrated Figure Walkthrough Videos guide students through key biology concepts and processes.

New topics in Why It Matters inspire curiosity and provide real-world examples to convey why abstract concepts like cell respiration or photosynthesis matter to students. This edition’s unmatched offering of author-created media supports students in the toughest topics with 24/7 access through the enhanced Pearson eText, embedded QR codes in the print text, and Mastering Biology.

Mastering Biology is not included. Students, if Mastering Biology is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Mastering Biology should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.

Reach every student by pairing this text with Mastering Biology

Mastering™ is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, Mastering personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student.



  • 1 Learning About Life
  • 2 Essential Chemistry for Biology
  • 3 The Molecules of Life
  • 4 A Tour of the Cell
  • 5 The Working Cell
  • 6 Cellular Respiration: Obtaining Energy from Food
  • 7 Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food
  • 8 Cellular Reproduction: Cells from Cells
  • 9 Patterns of Inheritance
  • 10 The Structure and Function of DNA
  • 11 How Genes Are Controlled
  • 12 DNA Technology
  • 13 How Populations Evolve
  • 14 How Biological Diversity Evolves
  • 15 The Evolution of Microbial Life
  • 16 The Evolution of Plants and Fungi
  • 17 The Evolution of Animals
  • 18 An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere
  • 19 Population Ecology
  • 20 Communities and Ecosystems
  • 21 Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function
  • 22 Nutrition and Digestion
  • 23 Circulation and Respiration
  • 24 The Body's Defenses
  • 25 Hormones
  • 26 Reproduction and Development
  • 27 Nervous, Sensory, and Locomotor Systems
  • 28 The Life of a Flowering Plant
  • 29 The Working Plant


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